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Copy Kubernetes Secret to Another Namespace

Copy Kubernetes Secret to Another Namespace Sometimes you just want to share a secret between namespaces, for example, a Docker Registry Credential. Replace CurrentNameSpace and NewNameSpace with your respective namespaces....

Discover Chromecast across networks with Avahi

Discover Chromecast across Networks with Avahi I recently upgraded my home router with a pfSense firewall. After a few days of research, I bought a Protectli FW4B hardware device to...

Prometheus Readiness Probe Failure

Prometheus Readiness Probe Failure I was recently tweakin my Prometheus deployment on Kubernetes when the readiness probe started to fail with a 404. The issue started when I wanted to...

Pad Integers in Terraform

How to pad integers less than 10 in Terraform Overview I recently had a request to create N number of resources using Terraform and add a double digit ID to...

Reset Admin Password

How to reset a forgotten admin password for Obviously, you must have a running instance of and access to the container/pod I know that has extensive API...

Terraform Loop Through Nested Map

How to use a nested map variable in a loop to create Terraform resources Requires Terraform >v0.12 Create a Map Variable Open or create the (this can also be...