To The Cloud
Another crappy cloud blog covering my misadventures in AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, and other cloud related stuff.
Archive of posts with category 'kubernetes'
Uninstall a Grafana Plugin in Kubernetes I just accidentally installed the `grafana-image-renderer` plugin and it blew up in my Kubernetes cluster. There are now errors of an unsupported plugin. The...
Just a small list of kubectl commands that I always forget. This is a living list, so feel free to add any comments below.
Convert AKS PV to Premium Disk AKS Clusters have a few pre-defined storage classes that can be used when creating volumes. These are typically: NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY azurefile Delete...
MinIO Kubernetes SignatureDoesNotMatch I was recently playing around with MinIO running in Kubernetes behind nginx-ingress. Everything was working wonderfully, until I tried generating a URL from another service running in...
My k8s Admin Toolbox
Just a set of tools that use while managing my k8s clusters. If you use something different, great, leave a message below.
Manually Trigger a Kubernetes Job Ever wanted to kick off a Kubernetes Cronjob manually? Here's how Replace <NameSpace>, <CronJobName>, and <JobName> with your respective namespace and cronjob name kubectl create...
Copy Kubernetes Secret to Another Namespace Sometimes you just want to share a secret between namespaces, for example, a Docker Registry Credential. Replace CurrentNameSpace and NewNameSpace with your respective namespaces....
Prometheus Readiness Probe Failure I was recently tweakin my Prometheus deployment on Kubernetes when the readiness probe started to fail with a 404. The issue started when I wanted to...
How to deploy Bitwarden in a Kubernetes cluster
How to configure certmanager for DNS challenges with Cloudflare and Kubernetes What is Certmanager Certmanager is a native Kubernetes cluster certificate manager. This article aims to outline the process of...