Archive of posts with category 'random'

MAC Dual Displays Switch Places

If you are using Dual Monitors with an Apple Macbook, you may encounter an issue where the displays swap or flip when the computer goes to sleep. My dual monitor...

Reset Windows Admin/Account Password

Reset Windows Admin or User Password This tutorial will use an Ubuntu Linux Live USB to reset your password. You could destroy your Windows computer, and I am not responsible....

SystemD-LoginD High CPU Usage

I recently repurposed a Dell Latitude Laptop to run my Plex Server. I wiped the laptop, updated the drivers and installed Ubuntu 20.04 along with the latest Plex software. Shortly...

Add or Change a PFX Passphrase with OpenSSL

Add or Change a PFX Passphrase with OpenSSL Ever needed to add or change a passphrase on a PFX file? Here ya go Using OpenSSL Export the PFX to PEM...

Discover Chromecast across networks with Avahi

Discover Chromecast across Networks with Avahi I recently upgraded my home router with a pfSense firewall. After a few days of research, I bought a Protectli FW4B hardware device to...

pfSense Boot Loop

I just spun up a new pfSense install with the SG-4860 High availability bundle. Shortly after configuring the devices and rebooting the primary, I ended up with a pfSense boot...

Configure Ubuquiti Edge Router VPN with SonicWall

How to Setup a VPN between Ubiquiti Edge Router and SonicWall Devices